Tech Humanity for Children

To achieve our objectives, we have put together teams of eminent individuals from around the globe with vast experience in the tech industry, education, design and child behavioural studies.

To achieve our objectives, we have put together teams of eminent individuals from around the globe with vast experience in the tech industry, education, design and child behavioural studies.

Solution / Introduction

The team opted on an innovative approach to replace the traditional binary, values-based approach with a responsive, evidence-based public health and wellness perspective. Instead of ‘good versus bad’ in technology use for children, the team seeks to support children to live well in today’s complex digital environment.

The team has also developed a set of design principles that focus on the needs of young children, their parents and how technology companies can create sustainable and trusted relationships with children as they grow. 

Solution / Introduction

The team opted on an innovative approach to replace the traditional binary, values-based approach with a responsive, evidence-based public health and wellness perspective. Instead of ‘good versus bad’ in technology use for children, the team seeks to support children to live well in today’s complex digital environment.

The team has also developed a set of design principles that focus on the needs of young children, their parents and how technology companies can create sustainable and trusted relationships with children as they grow. 


Tech Humanity for Children (BWG1) is led by Dr Michael Rich – Founder & Director, Digital Wellness Lab, Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School (Team Leader)

The team is composed of the following members
(in alphabetical order):

Dr Saeed Al Dhahreri (UAE)

Director, Centre for Future Studies, University of Dubai

Marco Guadarrama (Sweden)

User Experience at IKEA Group

Steve Horowitz (USA)

Partner at Alpha Edison

Phil McRae (Canada)

Executive Staff officer Alberta teacher association

Dr Jenny Radezky (USA)

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Michigan Medical School

The team is supported by:

Michael Eales (Australia)

Facilitator, Michael has 20+ years of global experience in design thinking and strategy

Stefania Acento (Italy)

Technical consultant

Annual survey

Design principles

Disconnection & Reconnection

View others


If you like to learn more you can read the output report below:

Or to read the full Tech Humanity For Children report, click below:


If you like to learn more you can read the output report below:

Or to read the full Tech Humanity For Children report, click below:


If you like to learn more you can read the output report below:

Or to read the full Tech Humanity For Children report, click below: